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Manitou-Mail 1.7.0 Documentation

Part 1/2: the User Interface

Table of Contents

I. What is Manitou-Mail?
II. Invocation
III. User accounts
1. Single-user usage
2. The users and groups model
3. Creating a group
4. Creating a user
IV. Main display
1. Panels
2. The Quick selection panel
3. The results list
4. Windows and pages
V. Configurations
VI. The search bar
VII. Tags
1. Managing the list of tags
2. Assigning tags to messages
3. Automatic assignment
VIII. The query form
1. Fields
2. Refining queries
3. Refreshing results
4. Saving search criteria
IX. Attachments
1. Saving attachments
2. Viewing attachments with a helper program
3. Viewing attachments as text
X. Message notes
1. Adding or updating a note
2. Deleting a note
XI. Filter editor
1. Expressions syntax
2. Built-in functions
3. Filter actions
4. Examples
XII. Preferences
1. Display
2. Identities
3. MIME viewers
4. Composer
5. Search
6. Paths
7. Fetching
XIII. Mailing
1. Template
2. Data file
3. Sending control
4. Limitations
XIV. Mailbox import
XV. Server's configuration